As the year comes to a close I can only be grateful for the good and the bad. From the new beginnings that taught me universal life lessons to the weird endings to situations that no longer served their purpose.
It's strange to think back to things that happened in February as it feels like an entirely different year altogether. Maybe it's being in college and everything being separated by semesters or maybe it's just my memory but everything feels like it happened so long ago.
Every year I think I've learned all there is to learn and every year I learn a little bit more than the last.
One thing that I've learned this year is that writing really helps. It helps especially when I skim back through my Moleskine's and see how many goals have actually come to fruition. I think that's something to be proud of and something to continue doing in 2015.
When I was looking for a title for this post I opened up the dictionary app on my computer and searched words that mean 'goodbye' or 'farewell'. I came upon the beautiful phrase of 'bon voyage'. The french phrase originated in the late 17th century and literally means "good journey". What a beautiful way to end 2014. Not with feelings of regret but with sincere hope for the future. I wish you all a good journey on your way into the new year.
Here are some actions that I want to bring into the new year. Be sure to tell me some of your own in the comments!
1. Patience
I hope to be more patient in the new year, with myself and with others.
2. Persistence
I hope to be persistent with my goals, my dreams, my morals and values.
3. Practice
I hope to practice my craft more often. I haven't practiced as much as I wanted to with my art recently but I am grateful for the times that I did practice and got to feel the wonderful elation of creating art.
4. Peace
I hope to bring peace into the new year. I hope all of you find peace in the new year as well.
Cheers. Smile a little :]